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Committees of The Council


Section (l) (e) of the Act, provides for Council to establish other Committees such as the Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Business and Finance Committee that it considers necessary or desirable, and may vest in any Committee so established such of the Council's functions as the Council thinks fit.

For the better exercise of its functions, section 67 of the Act requires Council to establish the following committees:

  • Executive Committee
  • Practicing Control Committee
  • Disciplinary Committee
  • Education and Liaison Committee

Executive Committee

In terms of the Act, the functions of the Executive Committee are to exercise Council functions between Council meetings. For the effective performance of the Executive Committee the Act requires it to sit not less than Four (4) times per year. In terms of the Act, the committee consists of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of Council and bare majority of the other Council members.

Practicing Control Committee

The purpose of the Practicing Control Committee is to come up with measures to control the practice of Environmental Health Practitioners. In terms of the Act, the committee consists of the Chairman of Council and at least Eight (8) members who may include other members who are not necessarily members of Council. Section 65 (l) (iii) of the Act requires that one (1) member be a registered legal practitioner of at least five (5) years of legal standing. The Act is silent on the number of times the Committee should sit.

Disciplinary Committee

The Disciplinary Committee is charged with the responsibility of investigating and examining allegations of professional misconduct leveled against its registered members or any act which puts the profession and Council into disrepute. The Chairman of the Council is the Chairman of the Committee. At least two (2) and at most four (4) persons are required as part of the committee for any particular inquiry by the Chairman in consultation with the Executive Committee. Section 70 (2) of the Act requires that one (1 ) member be a registered legal practitioner.

Education and Liaison Committee

The Chairman of the Education Committee is any member Of Council, The Council may appoint to that Committee persons who are not necessarily members of Council, The Act does not stipulate number of members of the Committee and numbers of sittings per year. The functions of the Education Committee are:

  • To supervise the education and training of such classes of health practitioners as the council may specify
  • To advise the council on any matter concerning the education or training of the classes of health practitioners referred to in above
  • To satisfy itself and the council that in every teaching institution the curricula for the education and training of the classes of health practitioners referred to in the first point, are such that graduates will have sufficient basic knowledge to practise their profession or calling
  • To satisfy itself and the council that the education and training given to persons training to become health practitioners of the classes referred to in the first point, and the facilities provided to enable them to gain experience in their profession or calling, are appropriate and adequate
  • To perform such other functions relating to the education and training of the classes of health practitioners referred to in the first point as may be vested in the committee by the council.
  • For the purpose of carrying out its functions, an education committee may, subject to the general direction and guidance of the council concerned:
    • (a) Visit any university, hospital or other institution or premises where instruction is given to or examinations conducted for students who intend to apply for registration as health practitioners of a class referred to in paragraph (a) of subsection (2)
    • (b) Observe and monitor any instruction or examinations such as are referred to in paragraph (a);
    • (c) On behalf of the council, engage the services of inspectors appointed in terms of section twenty-six to perform any function referred to in paragraph (a) or (b);
    • (d) To submit full written reports to the council on the courses and curricula followed at and examinations conducted by any university, hospital or other institution or premises where instruction is given to or examinations are held for students who intend to apply for registration as health practitioners of a class referred to in paragraph (a) of subsection (2).